Failure. It is a word that scares me to death. My whole life I have worked hard to achieve success. As a young child, I was always told that if I worked hard I would never fail. I am the student that gives 110% to all my work. If I need help I will find the tutoring I need and study for hours even go days without sleep. If I have a project or an idea in mind I am the type of person that will get up in the middle of the night just to write my idea down. I never failed in anything when it came to academics. I was the student that was always on top. Being on top can sometimes get very lonely. No one realizes the sacrifices that I have to go through. It's not easy staying on the top. Everyday having to fight to prove that I am worthy enough. People judging me not taking the time to ask me Why? Why do you work so hard, what is your drive? Because failure was never an option when I was young. Failure mean't that I had done something wrong. I had to bring home those straight A's that is how my success was measured. Now, that I have grown up I realized that this drive to succeed all the time can become a challenge. Recently, I was asked what happens if you fail? And I wasn't sure what to respond because failure in my mind isn't an option. However, I was given a great answer to that question. I was told if you fail you get back up. Nothing happens if you fail other than having to try again. My eyes were opened up to the idea that failure will happen in life and when it does I need to be ready to face it without fear. I will fail but that doesn't mean that I won't succeed.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."-Thomas A. Edison
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