Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Beauty of Earth

This past two weeks have been  rough with finals around the corner. I started to think a lot about life and about how sometimes we just don't enjoy the beauty of nature. I started to think about how we destroy nature and its beautiful gifts. It is sad that we do not take care of this beautiful planet. I then started to think what can we do to make sure that this planet lives on for our children? Well the answer is pretty simple. We need to make sure that we are recycling, turning off the water when we are not using it, picking up our trash, making sure that we do not kill innocent animals. Small changes like these will make a huge difference in us preserving the beauty of our Earth. We need to take the time observe nature and you will see how beautiful it is. Recently, I went to the park and took a couple of shots of nature and you would be amazed to see the beauty that I saw. So, I put this video here for you to remind you that we need to take care of this planet. We can't just sit back and watch our planet die. Do anything!!! This planet is what gives us life.