I have always known what I wanted. I have always been this perfect girl that tries her best to never mess up and make others happy. My life has revolved around making my parents proud that I forgot about me. I don't know if any of you young adults out there have ever felt like this before. Like your life is crumbling down right before your eyes and you just don't care because you realized you want to do what makes you happy. All my life I have been afraid of getting hurt by others when all this time I should have been worried about myself. I put up a wall to myself. I was the one who hurt myself by being so afraid and uptight about living life. My advice to everyone out there is to be careful with yourself because you can be your biggest obstacle to happiness. You can't be perfect and you can't know all the answers to life. You just need to trust that those around you won't let you fall when you feel like you are unbalanced. Trust that you will be alright. You will feel pain at first, you will cry and yell, and eventually you will feel this numbness but you will be okay. You will be balanced again.